
Outernational Artists

Outernational Artists nr25 – Steve Henwood – 08_01_2023

micSteve Henwoodtoday8 Gennaio 2023 39 1 5

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    Outernational Artists nr25 - Steve Henwood - 08_01_2023 Steve Henwood

🇬🇧 OUTERNATIONAL ARTISTS n°25 by 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘯𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥, on air Sunday, January 8th at 8 PM
This seems to have fallen together as a “too many toys” show. Mostly.
From artists whose recording systems were everything – whilst they retained a space for synchronicities, choices, souls – the late Maniel Göttsching, the late Phillip Jeck, the very much alive Tom Werkha – to the jungle of half-functioning abused tech around the mould-breaking Sonic Youth.
🇮🇹 OUTERNATIONAL ARTISTS n°25 – domenica 8 Gennaio alle ore 20.00
Questo potrebbe apparire come uno programma messo insieme con “troppi giocattoli”. Soprattutto. Da artisti i cui sistemi di registrazione erano tutto – pur conservando uno spazio per sincronicità, scelte, anime – il compianto Maniel Göttsching, il compianto Phillip Jeck, il vivissimo Tom Werkha – fino alla giungla della tecnologia abusata, mezza funzionante che gira attorno al rompere gli schemi dei Sonic Youth.
#CFR #COSMICFRINGERADIO made by Artisti In Piazza – Pennabilli Festival powered by #assultimopuntopennabilli #ManielGöttsching #PhillipJeck #TomWerkha #SonicYouth #SteveHenwood

Outernational Artists

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